Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
These FAQ's are provided to help answer your questions quickly and easily, without the need to wait for a response from our technical support staff.
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How to I import entries from a V4 or older DDF file into V5?
When you start AJ 5 click the Create New button to create a new journal database then, once in the program, choose Import on the File menu and use the From DDF tab to import your V4 ddf file.
How do I insert the entry date instead of the current date into entries?
There is an option in the configuration "Use the entry date instead of the actual date when inserting dates" on the Date/Time page. You can also choose to insert the date, time, both or neither there.
I forgot my password. What can I do?
If there was an easy way around your password then using a password would not make sense. If you forget your password, there is no practical way to retrieve your entries.
How can I change the date/time format?
AJ uses the date and time formats specified in Control Panel's Regional applet. Set the date and/or time format there.
What files are used to store entries?
Each journal (all section, dated, free-form entries, and options) is stored in a single file. The name and location of this file is what you specified when you created it. It defaults to My Entries.jdf in your My Documents folder. This file should be backed up in your regular system backup if you do not use the built-in backup.
When I try to open a journal database from a CD it will not work. Why?
First, make sure you are clicking the ... button on the Open Journal Database screen in AJ to select the entry data file the first time you try to open it. If you've already done this, open the file in Windows Explorer or My Computer, right click on it and select Properties then uncheck the read-only checkbox and click OK. Files copied from a CD often retain the read-only attribute.
I want all new dated entries to start off with more than just the date or time in them. How can I do this?
Create a template entry and use it as a template for all new dated entries. See the help file included with AJ for more information.
When I start the program and enter my password it displays for a second then disappears. What's going on?
You most likely have the Hide in the system tray when the application starts checkbox checked under Options on the File menu. This options hides AJ in the system tray when it starts. This is useful when you have AJ starting at Windows startup. To activate AJ simply click on the icon in the system tray. To stop display AJ on the screen when it starts uncheck this option.